Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 English Language Pack
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 english language packThis is the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 english language pack for PC, which will make all major menus in game available in English. It is recommended to use the latest version for your game. If you are using another language before installing this file make sure to restart the game before applying the patch.It has only been one month since Call of Duty: Black Ops II was released and already gamers are looking at ways to improve their experience with changes that can be made through mods or patches that can be downloaded either through Steam or directly from Activision's website. This patch is all about improving your experience with the game.What makes this patch different from others is that it does not require you to start all over again or lose any of your game progress. It has already been tested by several gamers and has proven to be working successfully, without having to alter anything on your gaming PC.While using this patch, gamers might experience some small issues, but the developers behind the mod are quick to fix them as they appear. A full changelog will be made available once the first update becomes available. However, it has already been confirmed that the English language pack 2 will include all text fixes along with other minor improvements and updates. The second update will be available sometime next month and it will include some additional improvements for this patch, such as:Improved "Host Migration" error messagesAdded summary information to the MP lobby menus (similar to previous games' "Spec Ops recruiting station") with information on how long the match has been running and if any players have abandoned the game. Also includes a description of active challenges. If players choose not to view this information it will not interrupt their gameplay. The text that appears on-screen is: "Game has been running for XX:XX. Players remaining: XX / XX." If no players have abandoned, no figure is shown for "remaining". "You have been disconnected from Xbox LIVE during match XX:XX. The game continues without you. You do not need to rejoin the session."Added a third language, Portuguese and Greek and updated and tweaked language files for these two languages.Improved Spanish text messages, Lobby messages, Game messages and subtitles in general.Improved French text messages, Lobby messages, Game messages and subtitles in general.Updated the "game state" display at various times during gameplay so that it includes information such as primary weapon used (if applicable), grenades used (if applicable) and current score (if applicable). Updated the "scoreboard" display at various times during gameplay so that it includes information such as number of deaths, assists, revives, headshots, etc., in addition to the player's own score and time played.Added a prompt to inform all players if their current system configuration settings place them below the minimum requirements to run Call of Duty: Black Ops II at their chosen video settings. If players choose not to view this information it will not interrupt their gameplay.
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